Novel: A novel is a book which is written in narrative form which might be fictional and non-fictional. A novel must exceed 50000 words. A person who writes novels are called novelist who so... Read more
Risk: Risk means the possibility of risk that one might feel in performing job or work. Risk can be identified and measured so according to that the preventive measures could be taken. Uncer... Read more
Stranger: Stranger is a person whom you don’t know. Foreigner: Foreigner is the person who is from another country. Differences: Basis Stranger Foreigner Definition (www.oxforddictiona... Read more
Joy: Joy is an emotion or feeling of happiness and a pleasure. It is the deep satisfaction we get when we are able to help others and be pleased for their good fortune. Happiness: Happiness... Read more
Education: Education is about learning things either in formal way or informal way under the guidance of educators. Education is divided into various stages: preschool, primary school, secon... Read more
Green card: Green card provides the permission or authority to the people to stay and work in the United States. Unlike the citizenship holder, the green card holder cannot vote. There are v... Read more
Mass: Mass is the measurement of the matter in an object. Mass is constant whether we are on the Moon or the Earth. Mass can be calculated by using the formula: Mass = Force/Acceleration. Vo... Read more
Productivity: Productivity is the amount of output per unit of input. As human wants are unlimited, productivity either directly or indirectly satisfies the wants of the humans. It is a sou... Read more
Air: It is an air’s atmosphere. It is around us. Air is the combination of various gases. We breathe an air. Air supplies oxygen which we take in through breathing. Without it we can s... Read more
Piping: Piping is the arrangement of pipes in such a way in order to transfer the liquids from one area to another area. Plumbing: Plumbing is the job of fixing or fitting the pipes or worki... Read more