Holiday: Holiday is the day which refers to the special day due to which the people have off from their work and schools. Shorter breaks with the members of the family in the form of trips a... Read more
Coffee: Coffee is the drink which is made from the plant named Camellia Sinensis. It can be prepared in variety of ways. The benefits of drinking coffee are: reducing the risk of heart disea... Read more
Fate: Fate is an unavoidable event. It cannot be changed by the actions of the human behavior. Destiny: The necessarily events that will happen for sure in one’s future is called desti... Read more
Lover: A person who is in love with another is called lover. Girlfriend: A girlfriend is a female friend or partner with whom one is romantically involved. Differences: Basis Lover Girlfrien... Read more
Trade: The buying and selling of goods for money is known to be trade. As the human wants are unlimited, a person cannot satisfy his wants with single goods so the trade takes place. The fir... Read more
Training: Training means learning to do something. It is related with practicing. Development: Development is the use of knowledge to meet the desired objectives. Without training the develo... Read more
Tale: A tale is a tory which describes either real or imaginary events. It may include dwarves, fairies, giants, mermaids, witches and magic. It is not real. Story: It is an imaginary events... Read more
Burger: Burger is an item of food which contains meat and vegetables between two sliced buns. Sandwich: Sandwich is a food item which consists of food and vegetables between two sliced bread... Read more
Thriller: A thriller is a genre of film and television programming which involves the suspense and excitement. Thriller includes certain twists and various herrings. It provides a certain ex... Read more
Handsome: Handsome is used for the attractiveness, good-looking features and posture of a person. Cute: Cute is used for the attractiveness such as sweetness, kindness and simplicity of a pe... Read more