LLC means Limited Liability Company. LLC is the entity which has been established legally where the liability of the shareholders is limited.
Inc. means the incorporated. Inc. is the entity or organization which is operated by the board of directors. It is suitable for the large business organization. The liability of the shareholders is limited.
Basis | LLC | INC |
Definition ( | A private company whose owners are legally responsible for its debts only to the extent of the amount of the capital they invested. | (Of a company or other organization) formed into legal corporation. |
Full Forms | It means limited liability company. | It means incorporated. |
Objectives/Purpose | The purpose of LLC is liability protection. | |
Synonyms | Ltd., handcuff, hog tie | |
Pronunciation |
Types | Its types are:
Its types are:
Advantages/Benefits | Its advantages are:
The advantages of incorporation are:
Disadvantages | Its disadvantages are:
Its disadvantages are:
Example in Sentence |