Trademark is the logo or sign (name, word, design) of the business organization used to distinguish goods from the others. The trademark registration helps to have monopoly of your mark in the market. If the trademark is registered then other company cannot use the same trademark which helps the consumer to recognize the company’s product.
Copyright is the law made in the country which gives the right to the owner of the creative work to reproduce and publish only by him. Along with this we must know that, though copyright helps to prevent others from copying the same but it does not protect from copying the ideas and concepts.
Basis | Trademark | Copyright |
Definition ( |
A symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. | The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material |
Objectives/Purpose | Its objectives are:
Its objectives are:
Synonyms | Stamp, mark, tag, logotype and label | Utilize, acquire, use, possess and exclude. |
Antonyms | Ignore, release, lack, reject and need. | |
Pronunciation | Eng (UK): /ˈtreɪdmɑːk/ Eng (US): /ˈtrādˌmärk/ |
Eng (UK): /ˈkɒpɪrʌɪt/ Eng (US): /ˈkäpēˌrīt/ |
Types | The types of trademark are:
The types of copyright are:
Word origin | The word trademark was used firstly in 1838. | The word copyright was originated in between 1725-35. |
Similarities | It helps to prevent others from using the same trademark. | It helps to prevent from copying the original works. |
Nature | The nature of trademark are:
Prevents | Others from using the similar trademark including words or phrases | Others from copying or selling the work |
Main function | The five major functions of trademark are:
Cost | It costs $275 and above. | Copyrights are automatic. |
Advantages/Benefits | Its advantages are:
Its advantages are:
Disadvantages | Its disadvantages are:
Its disadvantages are:
Example in Sentence |