RBC: Red Blood Cells (RBC) are also called erythrocytes which help to deliver oxygen to the body tissues and blood flow through the circulatory system. RBCs take oxygen in the lungs or gills and release it into tissues whole squeezing through th... Read more
Blood: Blood is a liquid in animals and humans which delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It takes away waste products and carbon dioxide from same cells. Blood is made up of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Plasm... Read more
Rich: The rich are people who have wealth. Rich means having wealth or greater possessions. Rich people only have and are motivated by money. Those people who are rich come into others eyes, as they try to show off in front of others. A rich per... Read more
Lift: Lift is a result of pressure differences and depends on angle of attack, airfoil shape, air density and airspeed. Lifts are designed to transport only one person. Lifts are the machines which lift us up to our desired level. Elevator: An e... Read more
Emotions: Emotion is an expressions, reactions and mental states. Emotions are caused by the mixture of hormones and the unconscious mind. Emotion is often the driving force behind motivation, positive or negative. An alternative definition of e... Read more
Monopoly: A monopoly is a market situation in which there is only one seller for a particular product. The entry for the new entrants is highly restricted to enter the market. There are no close substitutes in the monopoly market. Oligopoly: An... Read more
Drawing: Drawings are the pictures made by making lines on the surface. Pencils, chalk, crayons, pastels, pen and ink are used while making drawings. Drawings are made on the paper. Painting: A painting is an image created by using colors on the... Read more
Machine: A machine is a tool which contains one or more parts that uses energy to perform specific action. Machines are powered by mechanical, chemical, thermal, or electrical means, and are often motorized. Device: Device is any machine or comp... Read more
Private limited company: Private limited company is the company which offers the limited liability and has some legal restrictions on its ownership. The shares which are owned by the members are called shareholders. The minimum number of shareho... Read more
Republic: Republic is the form of government where there is no king, queen or excludes monarch and the people are sovereign. The government is ruled by the elected leaders according to the law. Here the sovereignty is held by the people or the i... Read more